2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 62 Rey Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 65 BB-8 Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 60 Tusken Raider Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 67 Captain Phasma Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 44 C-3PO Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 18 Chirrut Îmwe Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 48 Grand Moff Tarkin Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 53 Jawa Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 11 Sabine Wren Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 2 Padmé Amidala Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 16 Captain Cassian Andor Blue Parallel
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card 13 Chopper Blue Parallel
2018 Star Wars Masterwork card #15 Clone Trooper Green #d 12/99
2017 Star Wars Masterwork card #11 Sabine Wren Green #d 20/99
2015 Star Wars Masterwork #12 Mace Windu Silver Metallic #d 18/99
2016 Star Wars Masterwork Great Rivalries card GR-4 Han Solo Greedo 062/299
2016 Star Wars Masterwork Great Rivalries card GR-2 Luke Skywalker Darth Vader
2017 Star Wars Masterworks Evolution of the Rebel Alliance LP-6 Death Star 034/249
2017 Star Wars Masterworks Evolution of the Rebel Alliance LP-10 A Resistance left standing
2017 Star Wars Masterworks Evolution of the Rebel Alliance LP-9 Against the First Order
2017 Star Wars Masterworks Evolution of the Rebel Alliance LP-8 Rebellion Triumphant
2017 Star Wars Masterworks Evolution of the Rebel Alliance LP-6 Death Star destroyed
2017 Star Wars Masterworks Evolution of the Rebel Alliance LP-5 The Rebellion’s bright new hope
2017 Star Wars Masterworks Evolution of the Rebel Alliance LP-2 Fulcrum’s crucial role